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Live Your Greatest Life

We Support Adults with Disabilities

Great Livin’ was created to provide a greater impact on the improvement of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Great Livin’ has successfully grown to provide six supported-living homes, with staff helping our residents to live their greatest lives by teaching life skills, building community relationships, and accessing resources.

Dignity and Duty

Independence and Integration

Great Livin’ embraces balancing dignity of risk with duty of care. Our objective is to create as many opportunities for independence and community integration as possible. We strive to adapt the environment around the individual, rather than changing the person to fit the home. We work to support skill deficits by teaching skills while putting people in environments that help them thrive. We hope that each individual in our care can live as independently as possible.

Hundreds Helped Since 2008

Great Livin' Services

Final Rule News

Great Livin’ is excited to announce compliance with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Final Rule. Great Livin’ strongly supports Final Rule and has been continuously working to update policies and procedures to conform to Final Rule guidelines. Click here for more information.

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Great Livin' Group Home

Great Livin' LLC  |  2400 Monroe St. NE  |  Albuquerque NM 87110  |  T 505.246.6971  |  F 505.247.2191

© 2024 Great Livin' LLC

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